Monday, July 13, 2009

Thank You! from the intern

I would just like to thank all the writers out there: people who can't remember comma placement or how to write a sentence properly or do not know that all prepositions are not created or used equally. --Thank you for giving me a job and the hope/ knowledge that I'll have a job in the future!

Today is an editing-filled day, along with plenty of phone calls and e-mails to publishers. There is this book/ publisher we have been trying to track down and get a hold of for a while now, so I feel a sense of accomplishment that I am finally getting this book off to the reviewer. I love, in general, my TWT e-mail box filled with responses from publicists saying yes, the book has been sent, is there anything else we can do for you?! ...Ah, glorious.

I went to IHOP with Aaron and Krudy for lunch today; it was delicious, but too filling. Krudy won the eat more food than everyone else award, closely followed by Aaron. I enjoyed my buttermilks quite nicely, thank you!

I saw on the news that Frank Ricci is going to be sitting in as a witness for the Sotomayor Confirmation hearings. That should be interesting!

Going out to dinner with Jason and Hunter at Froggy Bottom tonight, so that should be fun. J-Babe and I went last week and highly enjoyed the $5 pitchers of American beer and edible pizza. This is going to be a busy week, so I'll enjoy the downtime tonight.

Just got an e-mail from Mrs. O'D (the mom of the twins, two good friends from home) and it absolutely made my day. I talked to Davey yesterday afternoon, which was great, and hearing from his mom today is just delightful. I have a couple friends at home where I can go over to their house and talk to their parents instead of hanging out with my friends and be perfectly happy about it. The O'Donnells, the Besls, the Bromleys and the Malloys were four of the pseudo-families who fed me during lacrosse seasons and continue to let me come over at all hours of the day/night. I think I miss them just as much as my extended family; they are, after all, a type of extended family.

I'm getting called "the intern" and "our intern" now. I like it; when the men in the office say it, it has an endearing quality to it. (I say men because the only woman is my boss and she calls me by my Christian name!--like the rest of the world haha.) The managing editor said "Good Morning, Sunshine!" to me again: love love love it. He is the nicest man, and very smart; I would adore working for him. Or my editor--I would probably pick her first :)

Can't believe how fast the day has gone.

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