Monday, June 22, 2009

I'm partial to J. Crew headbands...

One of my editors calls me "hairband" because when he first walked into my office, all he could see was my headband peering over the top of the computer monitor.

Today I copy-edited the Sunday section of the book reviews, and it took longer than normal, which I was not pleased about, but at least I know I'm thorough. I also helped one of the editors with a grammar question, and a newsroom writer lent me his Financial Times for the night, which is quite exciting. Also, the letters editor gave me "In Character," which is "A Journal of Everyday Virtues." This is "The Grit Issue," which makes me think of my summers spent in South Carolina, and it actually looks really good. Very Agrarian. It even has an Epstein piece! I'm am excited to read this as well.

Today's been solid, but long. I'm tired, but know I need to keep working. It's my friend's 21st birthday today, but I think I'm going to have to see if he's free on Thursday for a drink because at this point, I think drinking is a bad idea when I'm so out of it. I have a Hillsdale dinner tomorrow and then Amanda and I are going to make dinner together. We were supposed to have a little KKG dinner at the house (because Amanda was sick during senior week, so she never had her b&b senior week dinner), but my roommate is having someone over for dinner that night, so we'll postpone it until later. I'm not terribly concerned; it will happen before the summer is out, and I'd rather do it right than halfway.

This just in: two trains crashed on the red line. 1 dead, 9 injured. Keep them in your prayers.

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