Monday, September 7, 2009

Happy Labor Day!

I do not measure my days in coffee spoons, but rather how many times I am bouncing my leg up and down because of the coffee I drank this morning (standard 16 oz. styrofoam, non-recyclable cup found in the Kappa kitchen), which was 1/4 to 1/3 coffee and then filled with skim milk, which not only helps dilute the taste, but also cools it down considerably. I'm bouncing because the coffee gives me more "energy" or whatever; I'm sure I'll run it out of my system tonight.

I am happy to report that because I drank the aforementioned coffee, I was completely alert during my Art History class, which is the litmus test for me as Dr. Bushey dims the lights to show us the slides. I find this a very dangerous practice with college students as 9 o'clock in the morning, but it is a risk she must take. We are currently in the Middle East area (which she is calling the 'Ancient Near East,' comprised of Mesopotamia and Egypt, respectively.

My Frost class was good today; we were discussing his literary influences and ancestry (Classical and American), his interactions with Pound in England (who wanted him to try more free verse, which Frost considered akin to playing tennis with the net down) and how he was a more traditional prosodist during the modernist poetry revival. I was also pleased that Dr. Sundahl brought up E.A. Robinson as a comparison to Frost, as well as his poem "Richard Corey," which I was happy to share aloud with the class since I was the only one who had previous experience with it (or, at least, admitted publicly to have read the poem, which really is a intriguingly dark look at people and interesting analysis in their perception of others).

Last night, while reading Frost, I stumbled upon one of my favorite lines of Frost, which I had found in an old Latin book of mine: "He studied Latin, like the violin,/ Because he liked it" - which I now know is from Frost's poem
"The Death of the Hired Man," which is phenomenal. The dialogue between the husband and wife concerning their hired man and the dignity of life really should touch a nerve, especially concerning today's society that lacks an obligation to others and sees people as disposable.

I am eating lunch up the hill today, which will be my first time at Saga all year. I do not miss it, but I am excited to have lunch with the old gang (Marisa, Melissa, Zach and Mikey, respectively). I shall study in the library till 3, when I have Founding and then back to the house for the majority of the evening! We have our first chapter meeting of the semester tonight; quite excited. Mondays are going to be very Kappa-filled since I work crew for dinner, help set-up for the meeting and then have the meeting. I'm sure I'll squeeze more reading in there if necessary.

It is raining in Hillsdale today, so I am wearing my wellies, which Dr. Sommerville commented that he liked from under his umbrella. Dr. Siegel told me I looked happy today, which was probably due to the grin I wear all the time, but also could be attributed to my cornflower blue v-neck matched with kelly green cardigan--not to mention that my wellies are also kelly green and have navy blue seahorses on them :) My skirt is a dark corduroy brown though, so I do not look like a complete Easter egg today.

I hope you are all enjoying the holiday!

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