Sunday, March 9, 2014

Weekends with Grace

Hello Y'all,

Grace here. Dad had spring break this week for Mardi Gras, so I had my grandparents visit! Then, a present from Cincinnati!

For me?
Why? Why not! I need a St. Patrick's Day outfit! I'm Irish! (Thanks Mom!) Dad has Irish in him too, but tends to defer to his stoic English side... oooh, tissue paper.

A few new outfits helped me feel better about this teething business. Teething has been bringing out all the emotions, especially sadness...

But nothing a little baby wearing didn't solve. Thanks Mom! Sorry about the, you know, drool.

On Saturday, there was weight-lifting/ flying lessons with Dad!

Then he carried me around in my princess chariot because I am a princess and he is my servant. I mean father. He is my father-who-does-what-I-imply-through-cries-and-coos.

I know, I'm pretty cute, right?
Mom and Dad decided on Saturday afternoon Confession and Mass so Dad could focus on his protocol work all of Sunday... exhausting! 

My behavior: A
Pews with seat cushions: B+
Teething toy bonding while Mama folded laundry...

Little Lefty Baldwin
Sunday was spent mostly outside, enjoying the sunshine of New Orleans.

Totally natural, not posed
Then a family walk up the street where we perused through Nadeau - lots of pretty colors!

Who's the fairest of them all?
Finally, after my blowing bubbles marathon, leg kicks, reaching up towards my parrot under my gym, and a few more meals, I settled in for a nice deep sleep.


Good night, all!


  1. OH MY GOSH THIS iS ADORABLE. You must do this all the time. It's like #GraceADay x 100.

  2. Grace is the youngest blogger I know! Too Cute and it sounds pretty accurate :)

  3. Oh my goodness she is adorable! I wish we could do play dates!

  4. I agree with Liesl!! I think I just overdosed (is that even possible?!) on Grace's cuteness!! LOVE HER!!
