Saturday, May 10, 2014

My View (vol. 11)

This week has been exhausting, ending with a fantastic visit with Grace's physical therapist.

Grace is the best baby. She is smiley and sociable, low-key and always up for putting everyday objects in her mouth (instead of baby "toys"). She can roll and mostly sit up on her own. She could be a yogi or ballet dancer with her intense flexibility and range of motion, especially in her hips.

Grace has mild developmental delays (we believe) in her right arm and hand. This is not just her "being a lefty" and, in retrospect, I would have pushed harder to have her evaluated before her six month mark, instead of waiting until then to see if improvement comes naturally.

In the picture above, Ms. Lisa is helping Grace into a position to work on her shoulder strength and keep her spine straight, since she tends to favor her stronger side. She can support her weight equally in her legs, until she gets tired, and then she favors her left side.

Luckily, we're on the fast-track for care since we are leaving LA in a month and a half, and Grace is such a charmer. Miss Lisa is a wonderful lady and I feel very grateful for her and her skills. It is great to know that Will and I can do specific exercises with her, and no longer have the helpless feeling of wondering what we could be doing, or if what we're doing is proactive.

Grace is strong, happy and a good sport, and I'm really encouraged by what I see.

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