Thursday, May 29, 2014

Grace the Conquerer

Dear World,

I am on the move. Prowling the floor like a jaguar through the jungle, I find myself stuck by the tv stand or against the leg of the coffee table. I am denied delicious treats of random wires, and I play with my spoon. Mom thinks she's tricked me into playing with a non-baby toy, but I'll tell you what a spoon is: delicious.

Mom and Dad keep talking about my PT and you know what that means: play time. Score. They're training me for the baby olympics. My right bicep might be low-tone, but my triceps?

Friends, Arnold is calling me for tips. Look at these skills:

Yesterday, I got another present from the parents: a Haba Walker Wagon. My ride is ridiculous. I can stand there all by myself. The wood is tasty too!

Okay, nap time. Gotta charge up. Over and out.


  1. No offense Julie, but GHB is seriously the best blogger on the interwebs. She obviously gets it from you!

    I am cheering for her and the spoon and her PT from here!
