Saturday, June 20, 2015

Try Something New-ish: Reader Feedback

I'm home again, home again, jiggity-jig. I fly with two under two (bet you want to read THAT story) and my eyes are adjusting to contacts only until my new, unbroken glasses are ready, and yeah! Messy-ish galore around here, and it just feels good to be home and DONE with grading for the summer. I have a long list of half-written blog posts and a nice stack of books to review.

So! Let's hear from you, my dear readers!

1. Where are you currently situated?
2. What is your vocation?
3. What is your passion?
4. Are you religious?

{A good friend of mine from high school told me last weekend that he likes to read my blog, even though he's not religious. I'm so glad he does (hi Danny!) and I am glad we can all have respect and conversations, since we're all on different life journeys. I'm especially glad this blog isn't pidgin-holed away!}

5. Favorite book to recommend to people?
6. A few of your favorite things?
7. What do you like about The Corner with a View?
8. Anything you'd like me to write more about? Any question you're dying to ask me? Curious about residency, long distance relationships, cerebral palsy, procrastinating, teaching, editing or why I update my instagram more than my blog?
9. What does the phrase "beauty will save the world" mean to you?

Answer 1 or 9 or none, but at the very least, watch this video of fifth grade boys as they synchronize swim on land. Hilarious!

Hope you're having a great week, y'all! Praying and reflecting a lot on what happened in Charleston, and very glad to see the awesome sense of justice and mercy rising up. It is not the multitudes of failures that define our country, but the inherent goodness of our people in spite of tragedy.

UPDATE: A few of you are having trouble submitting comments - feel free to message me or comment elsewhere, like on the FB page!


  1. 1. Where are you currently situated?
    in farmland/small town Ohio. I seem to have found a place with a nice balance of things to do, family nearby, and a peaceful environment

    2. What is your vocation?
    marriage and motherhood

    3. What is your passion?
    current passion is probably food education and cooking. I love teaching the art of cooking and increasing access to and awareness of whole foods

    4. Are you religious?
    yep yep, practicing Catholic. Though I could stand to be more vocal/active about it.

    5. Favorite book to recommend to people?
    ooooooh tough one. I think everyone should read Harry Potter :) For nonfiction I recommend "I Am In Here" to show people a little about how it feels to be a mother of a nonverbal child

    6. A few of your favorite things?
    cooking, anime, gaming, walking to places, good conversation

    7. What do you like about The Corner with a View?
    just that it's you being you

    8. Anything you'd like me to write more about? Any question you're dying to ask me? Curious about residency, long distance relationships, cerebral palsy, procrastinating, teaching, editing or why I update my instagram more than my blog?
    I enjoy your instagram! I'm happy when you're writing about stuff

    9. What does the phrase "beauty will save the world" mean to you?
    I have never heard the phrase, but the first thing that comes to mind: slow down, see the good and the true in what is around you

  2. currently residing in the SW corner of IN close to both the Wabash, White, Patoka and Ohio Rivers
    Vocation is single - divorced with annulment
    not sure of a passion except to than God each morning I wake up as I'm a cancer survivor and also answering questions and currently getting ready to help lead a new discussion group via a on line ministry I did vol work before getting sick last year.
    Religion is Catholic
    favorite book - have read so many good ones over the years, besides the Bible would suggest "Ben Hur", Exodus, Grapes of Wrath, To Kill a Mockingbird, any of the old classics, Left to Tell by Immaculee Ilibagiza, anything by Fulton Sheen, C.S. Lewis or G.K Chesterson.
    favorite things - cooking, reading, quiet time.
    about Corner with a View - love your sharing of the girls and your husband and how you balance everything.
    haven't heard the expression 'beauty will save the world' but makes me think have to stop looking at or for the negative around us and focus on the good.

  3. 1. Where are you currently situated?
    Northern Virginia

    2. What is your vocation?
    Single - and while I am actually pretty content with my single-ness right now, I am hoping and praying that that is not my permanent vocation :)

    3. What is your passion?
    Oy. This question shouldn't be difficult to answer, should it? Family and friends, traveling (to see/with family and friends!), sleeping in.

    4. Are you religious?
    Yes! I try to be as Catholic as the pope, and some days I do pretty well and others I don't - but that's the journey with Christ!

    5. Favorite book to recommend to people?
    Ella Enchanted! <3 <3 <3 (so great on audiobook too!)

    6. A few of your favorite things?
    Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens... ;) Chocolate, binge watching good TV shows, and anyone who wants to play board/card games with me.

    7. What do you like about The Corner with a View?
    Having read your blog before becoming friends with you and then meeting you, I can tell you that the "you" on your blog is 100% the you in real life. So I love your authenticity - and the cute pictures of Grace and Laura help ;)

    8. Anything you'd like me to write more about? Any question you're dying to ask me? Curious about residency, long distance relationships, cerebral palsy, procrastinating, teaching, editing or why I update my instagram more than my blog?
    Hrm, I love pretty much everything you post about. I'd love to hear about some things that you did before you met Will - how you found contented-ness in living la vida single.

    Also - MOAR GRACE AND LAURA! I do love those few posts you do from Grace's view - heh, get it? View?!

    9. What does the phrase "beauty will save the world" mean to you?
    I think people tend to think that beauty is relative, but I disagree - since God is the creator of all things and all things are beautiful in His eyes - so I guess if we could see the beauty in all the things as God sees it, our world would be a much better place.

  4. 1. Where are you currently situated?
    Northeast Ohio.

    2. What is your vocation?
    marriage and hopefully motherhood someday?

    3. What is your passion?
    Singing in church, golfing

    4. Are you religious?
    I'm Catholic and I think I'm pretty religious. I'm not as vocal as I'd like to be, however.

    5. Favorite book to recommend to people?
    I really like The Perks of Being a Wallflower because it brings awareness to mental issues and abuse. It has some themes in it that may not be appropriate for children but I love the message.

    6. A few of your favorite things?
    golfing, singing, cooking, knitting, gaming

    7. What do you like about The Corner with a View?
    I love your uplifting messages and the fact that you're real about yourself.

    8. Anything you'd like me to write more about? Any question you're dying to ask me? Curious about residency, long distance relationships, cerebral palsy, procrastinating, teaching, editing or why I update my instagram more than my blog?
    Being married young and being a young family

    9. What does the phrase "beauty will save the world" mean to you?
    Focus on the good in the world and not the negative. Positivity makes the world a better place

  5. 1. I am currently situated in Northeast Iowa! (but born and raised in Wisconsin...)
    2. I am engaged to be married to the most incredible man I know. We will be married in October! I pray to know God's will for each moment, and consider the day-to-day my vocation.
    3. I am passionate about forming intentional relationships and sharing my Catholic faith with others.
    4. I am a practicing Roman Catholic.
    5. My current favorite book to recommend to people is My Sisters the Saints, or whatever book I feel the person would like to read.
    6. I enjoy quality time, sleeping in on Saturday mornings, a warm cup of coffee, cooking and baking, and local hole-in-the-wall restaurants.
    7. I just started following you and this is the first post I've seen! So far I love the blog layout.
    8. It's your blog and I'll love to see what YOU'RE passionate about.
    9. I firmly believe that truth, beauty and goodness will lead all men to know the Father and his love for them.

  6. Hello, from an old Delta Pi Nu-er! I think you know my details (vocation to motherhood, Catholic, passionate about education), but I wanted to let you know that I love your blog. I started reading for your posts about CB. I love that you highlight Grace's strength and passion and the joy she brings, without discounting the weight of this cross. It is uplifting, I think the internet world (and I) can use more of that view. Also, your girls are gorgeous! I may have started following just to see Grace's cheeks.

    Oh, and I love recommending A Soldier of the Great War by Mark Helprin. And for women, Kristin Lavransdatter. And for shorter reads, Wendell Berry's Hannah Coulter and Ron Hansen's Mariette in Ecstasy. Am I missing anything good?
