Wednesday, April 28, 2010

What's reading for pleasure again?

"In reading great literature I become a thousand men and yet remain myself. Like the night sky in the Greek poem, I see with a myriad eyes, but it is still I who see. Here, as in worship, in love, in moral action, and in knowing, I transcend myself; and am never more myself than when I do."
-C.S. Lewis, "Experiment in Criticism"

Also, good read from FPR on good literature and the glory of Graham Greene.

p.s. successfully defended my thesis today :) and people keep telling me they want to read it, fellow students and even one of the VPs at ISI. Sounds good to me! (After I do more edits; I got feedback from my defense panel today. Nothing too major, but there's a few more sources I'm going to look into, as well as clarifying a few points.

p.p.s. the newest Kappa members made cookies for all the seniors and signed it "Kappa Babies," which makes me so happy, because--when I joined--they just called them the new members and the next semester, I started calling them the "Kappa Babies" and now everyone does!

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