Sunday, January 4, 2015

My View (Vol. 27)

What I am reading: Discipline: The Glad Surrender by Elisabeth Elliot

"God has arranged things in such a way that his own action is coupled with the actions of men. The Bible is replete with examples of a loving and powerful God choosing sinful and weak men to accomplish His purposes, allowing them the dignity to act in freedom and thus to have a willed part in what He does."

"God does not coerce us to follow Him. He invites us. He wills us that we should will--that is, He wills our freedom to decline or accept. If we want to be disciples, we place ourselves, like the football player or instrumentalist, under someone's direction."

What I am eating: french toast mini muffins. You read that correctly.

Meal planning: My family was in Bethlehem for the past week, so I did NO COOKING and it was awesome. The week before (Christmas), my bestie Vivian came down and did all the cooking - oh, professional chef. NBD. Needless to say, I am a little intimidated to jump back into the meal planning game. Vivian made it look so easy (and tasty). Dad is also an amateur chef, so I am/ was tres spoiled.

But back to reality. Grace and I went to the grocery store this morning and here's the deal:
Breakfast: oatmeal, fruit, COFFEE (not black), milk 
snack 1 options: greek yogurt + chia seeds, kind bar, water 
Lunch: hardboiled egg, swiss, turkey and avocado/ tomato on ciabatta, clementines, bell pepper slices, sparkling water {some variation} 
snack 2 options: fruit twist; almond nut thins + cheese; apple + peanut butter, water 
  • Baked chicken thighs with quinoa + green beans
  • Chicken stir fry (chicken, rice, eggs, peas + carrots, soy sauce)
  • Tilapia with roasted sweet potatoes and bell peppers + fried spaghetti (Will's favorite)
snack 3 options: popcorn, raisins, juice
I was really tough with myself this week and bought no sweets (sans the french toast mini muffins, sue me). I have gained an appropriately low amount of weight during pregnancy, but I don't want it to end my pregnancy jumping higher because I ate all the Frango mint chocolates my family brought me (or the cheesecake I've been dreaming about). I almost bought a package of Julie's organic sorbet bars (my fave), but, for better or worse, I forgot to pick them up until I was in the car, driving away. I'm also trying to eat more vegetables... because they are not very appetizing to me right now, and very nutritious. My family also left a family size pack of bell peppers in my fridge so... chop chop!

What are y'all eating? Anything that might tempt me?

This week in history: Two OB appointments and two therapy sessions - I may have enjoyed the lack of therapy a little too much. It was nice to be off the hamster wheel for a bit!

Will was off work and my whole family (sans one brother + pets) was in town, so last week was the best week ever. Also, Bebe Baldwin is moving and grooving - I love feeling her so active!

Prayers: Will is in the MICU for the next month, and this is already a tough rotation (for both of us). 5 a.m. gone, home by Grace's bed time (maybe). Then, early to bed! I shocked myself by waking up with Will today, sleeping a little bit longer, and then getting up around 6 a.m. Who am I??

We find out Grace's blood panel tests results tomorrow or Tuesday...

For all those genuinely trying to reform in the new year, be it self or habit(s).

Peace abroad, at home, and in our own hearts.

Special intentions! {Like... my phone is missing. No more pictures for y'all without it! Now you know my secret. St. Anthony!!!!}

Next week I am going to: Buckle down on getting ahead for my classes - I am currently working on having half of February and all of March "done" lecture and assignment-wise so all I have to do is lecture and grade when Bebe Baldwin first arrives. Since my parents swooped in and bought me huge bookcases for my office (and more!), I'm going to start unloading all those perpetually traveling boxes finally.

Grace and I are having all-day Mommy-Daughter dates for six days, so we're kicking off today with grocery shopping, all-over cleaning, napping, and lots of playing. She is seriously the best sport - and the fact that I downloaded a painting app to my iPad for her while I clean has nothing to do with that!

I'm also returning to my Wunderlist (available on the computer and as an app!). The Type A in me likey. Does anyone else use it?

Happy January, everyone!

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