Wednesday, January 21, 2015

A-Chooo! Sheenazing Awards 2015: My Campaign

Okay, truth time: I forgot to nominate blogs for the Sheenazing Awards this year.

But... I still got nominated!

Thanks readers! I am currently up for Best Lifestyle Blog and Most Under-Appreciated Blog.

What are the Sheenazing Awards? 

Bonnie at A Knotted Life combined a few of her favorites: Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen, social media and the word "amazing"! Bonnie has seen and testified to real (officially is "alleged") and amazing miracles - her son James was born stillborn and through the intercession of Sheen, is alive today (age 4 years old).

Moreover, Sheen's dedication to spreading the Gospel through social media inspired Bonnie to create these awards, and is a fun way to celebrate Catholic bloggers.

The prize I am gunning for: "The winners will earn a firm virtual handshake, the pride in knowing that they've been named the Best of something by a fairly obscure blog"!!!!!

Campaign slogans (so far):

A vote for me is a vote for Grace!

Julie, Julie, she's our man! If she can't do it... Wait?!

Campaign Promises:

If I win, I promise to post Grace pictures at least once a week, discuss books more, and throw confetti in the air.

What next?

I'll keep writing if you go vote for me! If you go vote and don't put a ballot towards me, I'll still keep writing.

If you need me, I'll be biting my fingernails. Cheerio!


  1. Alright, alright, I'll vote for you but *only* because it's for Grace and you'll post more pictures of Grace and throw confetti in the air!

  2. Hi Julie! I came across your blog first through Bright Maidens, and then rediscovered it through the Sheenazing Awards. Just popping in to say hello and thank you for writing! I am a medical student and mother to an 11-month old. I have been inspired and encouraged by your writing, especially with regards to marriage and motherhood during residency. I have really enjoyed getting the perspective of someone on the other side of the medical spouse/non-medical spouse relationship (hopefully this will help me have greater empathy for my husband when he is on baby duty during my tougher rotations!) Best of luck to you in your Sheenazing campaign ;-) Your daughter is amazingly cute!
