Thursday, November 3, 2011

Logic, Science and History Prevail!

I came across an amazing documentary called "180" paralleling the Holocaust and abortion. It is produced by Living Waters, a ministry run by Ray Comfort. Comfort was born a Jew, and, while he still identifies himself as such, is an Evangelical Christian pastor in California. Comfort begins the movie by discussing with people what they would do if in the kind of situations Nazi-occupied Germany put citizens in on a regular basis, and moving towards bigger life-centered questions of valuing all human life, or just some. It is well-worth a watch or two:

The Judgement Day portion was a little heavy-handed, and looking over Comfort's personal website and theology, I do not agree with many of his stances. For one, evolution may be a theory, but it is certainly a viable one on a micro-level, especially since we believe all things are possible with God! Nonetheless, Comfort seems to me to be a fantastic human being and follower of Christ, forwarding our Lord's message and commandments in this world. Living Waters has done a fantastic job with this production, and it well-deserves much praise and publicity.

The website is and; the Facebook page is 180moviecom; the Twitter account is @180movie with a #180movie hashtag. The movie premiered on September 26, 2011 and has already been viewed over a million times! The film is offered for free on the website for sharing and viewing. They also welcome feedback.

Continue reading at Virtuous Planet >>>>>>>

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