Saturday, August 16, 2014

My View (vol. 19)

What I Am Reading: Agatha Christie's Appointment with Death

Favorite eats: Chobain yogurt. Rice chex. Peaches. Strawberries. Raspberries. (Oh my!)

Morning time with my Alfalfa sprout
This week in history: Grace officially started physical therapy! She was also interviewed by Early Intervention, as she qualifies for the state program as well. Feeling very please by all the help she is receiving. Grace is also having minor separation anxiety, and is becoming exceedingly more vocal. On the plus side, this includes her waking up from her daytime naps and singing in her crib. Just adorable! 

Will had an atrocious shift schedule this past week, but he's off it now {for the weekend!!!!}, and he was able to make it home in time to attend mass with us yesterday for the feast of the Assumption. I have now received all my history books and am starting to really prepare for classes!

I also built this:


Prayers: For Pope Francis' trip to South Korea! There are four million Catholics there, and I am loving following all the pictures, Vatican radio updates and news articles. Prayers for Asia and the Church there as well!

Next week, I am going to: NYC with the family + my visiting sister for Grace's first trip to the Big Apple! I am also going to interview part-time babysitters for when I start work in September, and finally put my office together (and not just let the boxes sit there).

Waiting in the hospital cafeteria for Dad!
Have a great weekend, y'all! I know I am enjoying a break from constant vigilance, and am helping Will to clean and organize today! (Or is he helping me?)

Relaxin' to the max.
I think the beautiful weather calls for a walk as well!

1 comment:


    Grace is such an acrobat in her stroller. I feel like every pic of her in the stroller has her legs doing the most awkwardly flexible things.
