Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Julie and Julia

(Above: Julia and Julie at Notre Dame doing research for our Birzer paper, i.e. the start of our beeeautiful friendship.)

Yes, we've seen the movie. Together, in fact, when Julia came to visit me in Cincinnati after Mary Beth and Joe's wedding.

This is one of my best friends, Julia. She just posted this picture and I wanted to share it with the class. She and I became best friends after Birzer's Civil War class junior year.

It's funny how you can just meet someone and just click so instantaneously. That's how it was/ is with all my close friends on campus. We just complement each other's personalities, bouncing off each other's strengths and weaknesses, always wanting the best for the other.

I'm constantly reminded how good God is by the people He puts in my life. I remember one of my best friends at home, Sarah, was talking to her mom and Mrs. Bromley was remarking how she can't believe we didn't meet sooner in high school. I wonder, though, if Sar and I would be as close if we had met earlier. We were in different parts of our lives then; perhaps we would not have meshed as well.

I've always been blessed with easily making and, moreover, keeping friends. I like going home and having a solid group of people who want to see me as much as I want to see them. I've noticed that the ones I've stayed closest with thoughout college are the ones I made (or got closer to) our junior/ senior year of high school.

It's the same way with college: I've kept many of my friends from freshman/ sophomore year (Heather, my roommate since freshman year, is the perfect example of that, especially as we are still rooming together), but I'm closest with people I've gotten to know my junior year. Senior year has only provided us ample opportunities to continue growing closer, which has been such a blessing in my life. I know I'm better becoming the person I'm meant to be because of them.

Perhaps it's a maturity thing, that whole growing up aspect--getting to a place in your life where the things that matter start to sharpen in one's line of vision: people who are also seeking to deepen their relationship with God, have a focus on their academics and an openness to God's will, keep perspective and always having a sense of humor. Life would hardly be tolerable if you didn't laugh at its absurdities.

Anyways, I love her :) She is a wonderful and I hope to introduce you to her if I ever get the chance. It'll be a riot, for sure. Oh, and our favorite "Julie and Julia" movie quote? The one that sums up our love/friendship? I'm so glad you asked:
--"What do you really like to do?"
--"And you're so good at it!"

In other news, Joey and I made cookies yesterday and they were so, so good. So good, in fact, that Matt said he would do anything for me. Must now think how to use this to my advantage haha. As Julia Childs would say, Bon appetit!

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