Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Today in History: Led Zeppelin begins their last European tour in 1980

My alarm went off at 5:30, I rolled out of bed at 6:08, I was out the door by 6:36, the yellow line arrived around 7:03, and by 7:30 we had reached Ronald Reagan. Wait--what?! you think. Yes, that's right. It took us 27 minutes to go three stops.

This morning Hillsdale hosted another speaker (Jan Crawford Greenberg from ABC News), and we were supposed to get there by 7:45. Me being the perpetually late person that I am (Evelyn Waugh said that punctuality is the virtue of the bored, so I usually justify my lateness with that line), I was floored that even if I worked against my lateness, the DC metro line could also undermine my plot of arriving before the scheduled time. The ride was not too bad, but the train was over-crowded. Amanda called me right when I exited Farragut North, and fortunately the ABC studio is not too far away from the station, so I entered the conference room with 1 or 2 minutes to spare.

Jan was a wonderful speaker: very knowledgeable, approachable, and an obviously fair but critical reporter. What she is mainly known for was her coverage of the Supreme Court. I loved her analysis about Justice Thomas, and how she went to the Library of Congress and looked up Justice Blackburn's notes on sessions to truly have an understanding of how and why the court cases ended the way they did. So many people look at the final decision and base their opinion on that, but it really is the thought-process as well as the conclusion that is crucial. I love how the justices communicate through the written word; they pass around memos and decisions, and save most of the talking for when they are in the actual room, making their actual decision and argument for why they are deciding the way they are for each case. It's absolutely fascinating!

Today is a coffee day, but in my defense I only put three creamers in today to see if three would be as good as four. I really can't have a frank analysis though, I suppose, because I used flavored coffee instead of regular. I know, I'm a coffee weenie.

Today the gossip columnist complimented my outfit, which made me happy since I am wearing one of my favorite outfits (another dress-cardigan-ballet flats combination), and she is a rather fashionable person herself. I introduced myself to her yesterday since we see each other fairly often on the shuttle, so that was lovely. She's quite nice. Well, nearly everyone I've met so far is nice, which is always good for a work environment.

I talked to my mom all the way to the metro, and she gave me the family update. I love it because I can talk to nearly everyone in the family, and they all tell me the same things about everyone but it's in such a way unique to them that I continue listening, even though I know what they're going to say, just not how they're going to say it. Meg's at Uncle Mark and Aunt Tracey's till Thursday for riding, John has wilderness camp, Marianne is at Shakespeare camp, Mike's looking for a job, and Katie's still working for the engineering company. Mom said she might take off work on Thursday to do something fun with the little kids since the family isn't taking a family vacation this year, so she thinks they'll just do fun day activities/ trips sporadically. Mom and the little kids (which ones, I do not know) will be coming out to DC in August to pick me up and sightsee before heading back home so that we can all celebrate Megan's 10th birthday together. (It's her golden birthday this year! 10 on August 10th.) I miss them a lot and love hearing their voices (especially Heidi barking in the background); Mom's really busy at the hospital, so I was happy to catch her in a free moment this morning.

Going to Philly tomorrow--excited for the FIRE conference, but more excited to see Andrew and Jackie, whom I will having lunch with on Thursday and Saturday, respectively. It'll also be good to have a change of scenery. I still need to buy my train tickets...

Finishing my book review today and helping my editor organize all her books in her office. I'll most likely work late, but that's okay; I like working late for some weird reason. Probably get it from my Dad. I'd rather work late than get in early, that's for sure :) Finished my coffee, moving on to my nalgene of water. Today's weather is gloomy with light rain sprinkles: a perfect day to get business done. Editorial office is bustling, and my review is calling. Au revoir!

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